The most common type of poll used
Multiple-Choice questions are indeed the most popular way to understand what people think about a topic. They are a must in surveys and provide clean data that is easy to analyze.
Simply enter a question, specify a few answers. Depending on their preferences, respondents can choose the best available answer(s) and in a few minutes you will have a good idea of what your audience thinks.
The survey results can then be posted live and on-demand on your screen so everyone can see the outcome of the voting.
One or Multiple answers
What distinguishes the different types of multiple-choice questions is above all the number of answers that participants can select.
Single-answer questions are the most frequently used type of questions. They allow participants to choose an answer from an established list. This format is ideal when participants are asked to choose the option that best matches their opinion.
Whereas for multiple response questions, participants can tick as many answers as they wish, instead of just one. This will serve more to understand a trend.
See also the ranking survey to allow your audience to respond with an order of preferences. Ideal for understanding what your audience thinks is most important among a list of predefined options or to set the agenda for a meeting for example.
Live App or Social Network
Multiple-choice questions can be answered by your audience interactively using our Live App or through their favorite social network.
The live application is a web application and therefore does not need to be installed. Participants just need to follow a short link or scan a QRCode to participate in the survey in a few clicks.
Display the survey results
Have full control over the display of your answers by choosing to display:
- percentages or the number of votes
- ordered results
- only the question and the results live on demand
Test for free
Login and test for free in a few clicks. Or contact us to discuss about your needs.
Multiple Choice Question - One Answer - Live App
Multiple Choice Question - One Answer - Wall
Multiple Choice Question - One Answer - Admin