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SocialWall Pro Support, Help and FAQ

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Technical Requirements & Display Set Up

What do I need for my social wall display?

You need the following - internet connected laptop, a screen for your display, cabling to connect your laptop and screen. If you are manually moderating or plan to adjust your wall when live, you will need and an additional device (tablet/phone/or computer) for admin.

What size screen should I use?

The bigger the display the better, so that you audience can clearly see and engage with your social wall.

What is the best display for a social wall?

Full HD options will give you the best display, but other display types are suitable.

What resolution options are suitable?

Our social walls support most standard resolutions for 16/9 and 4/3 ratios. Full HD is recommended for the crispest display. For other resolution options contact us in advance to avoid any display issues.

What type of internet connection is recommended?

For optimal usage, we recommend a hard wired connection. However a reliable Wifi connection is typically completely efficient.

Does 4G work for the display of a social wall?

In our experience, if the 4G signal is strong, it is more than sufficient for displaying your social wall. However, we always recommend where possible a hard wired connection and/or private/secure wifi.

Can I use WI-FI?

WiFi may be used for your live social display. We recommend a private connection for optimal dsplay.

What Web browser do I need to use?

For optimal results, we recommend Google Chrome to use with our online tool.

How do I get my computer ready for displaying a social wall?

You have deactivated every program that might pop up during your session (Skype, chat system, FaceTime, etc.)

You have deactivated the screen saver You have deactivated the automatic updates (Windows, Mac OS, etc.)

Your browser is up-to-date. (Chrome highly recommended)

If using a laptop, your computer is plugged in so you don't lose power

You use a wired connection, a private Wi-Fi or the most releable internet connection.

How many screens can I display my social wall on?

The active live wall url can be shared on as many screens as you wish.

Does each social wall display require it's own computer?

The set up is entirely dependent on your hardware. One laptop at a minium is required for a single installation. It may then be connected to your screens in various ways. The most common way is directly through an HDMI or VGA cable.