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Using Engagement & Gamification Features

What is the purpose of engagement & gamification features?

The purpose of these features are to increase the amount of engagement of your audience. Gamification sparks additional competition as people want more chances to win or race to the top of the leaderboards.

What gamification features are included in SocialWall Pro?

A contest feature and two different leaderboards (Top ReTweets and Most Active Users) are included in our Pro Tool.

Does the social wall include leaderboards?

Included as standard with our Pro and Premium solutions are two leaderboards. One display includes the Top ReTweets and the other display is for the Most Active Users. These may be scheduled on demand or be set to appear at designated intervals.

Can I customize my leaderboard, contest or word cloud?

Leaderboards, contests and word clouds may be customized using our premium services. Contact us today for info.

What are announcments?

Announcements are scrolling messages that can be scheduled on demand or at set intervals. These text only messages scroll across the bottom of your social wall display. These are great for communicating the Wi-Fi or directing your audience.

How does the contest feature work?

The contest feature is launched on demand or at scheduled times. A winner can be selected at random or from a select pool of users, such as those that used Instagram. You may also create your own pool of people to choose from, using our tagging feature in moderation. This is great when wanting to select a winner from those that have run a selfie, or those that have sent in a question.